“‘It’s in the cellar under the dining room,’ he went on. ‘I discovered it when I was a child, all by myself. The cellar stairway is so steep that my aunt and uncle forbade my using it, but I’d heard someone say there was a world down there. I found out later they meant an old-fashioned globe of the world, but at the time I thought they were referring to the world itself. One day when no one was home I started down in secret, but I stumbled and fell. When I opened my eyes, I saw the Aleph.’

‘The Aleph?’ I repeated. ‘Yes, the only place on earth where all places are — seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending.’”

    – Jorge Luis Borges, short story ‘El Aleph’

I closed my eyes–I opened them. Then I saw the Aleph.

El Aleph was a transdisciplinary space for culture and the arts established in the city of Porto from autumn 2021 to autumn 2023. As a residency space, it wove together an intentional network of musicians, visual artists, writers, theatre practitioners and philosophers for a laboratory investigation on questions of cosmology, time, space, and ancestrality. Guided by the invitation from the short-story of Borges, ‘El Aleph,’ the founding of the space sought to investigate creation as a relationship between immanence and that which one might still call the infinite, recalling the ancestral and medieval connection between art and the sacred.


El Aleph was a transdisciplinary space for culture and the arts established in the city of Porto from autumn 2021 to autumn 2023. As a residency space, it wove together an intentional network of musicians, visual artists, writers, theatre practitioners and philosophers for a laboratory investigation on questions of cosmology, time, space, and ancestrality. Guided by the invitation from the short-story of Borges, ‘El Aleph,’ the founding of the space sought to investigate creation as a relationship between immanence and that which one might still call the infinite, recalling the ancestral and medieval connection between art and the sacred.


“‘It’s in the cellar under the dining room,’ he went on. ‘I discovered it when I was a child, all by myself. The cellar stairway is so steep that my aunt and uncle forbade my using it, but I’d heard someone say there was a world down there. I found out later they meant an old-fashioned globe of the world, but at the time I thought they were referring to the world itself. One day when no one was home I started down in secret, but I stumbled and fell. When I opened my eyes, I saw the Aleph.’

‘The Aleph?’ I repeated. ‘Yes, the only place on earth where all places are — seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending.’”

    – Jorge Luis Borges, short story ‘El Aleph’